The number of tourist arrivals forecasting is required for the future development of tourism industry to improve the economic growth. The number tourist arrivals data can be analyzed by building a model so that it will help to find out the number of tourist arrivals in the next period which is through Minangkabau International Airport. The linear model that is used is Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) used and continued to build a nonlinear model of the residual SARIMA model using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). In this research, SARIMA model which obtained is SARIMA (1, 0, 1) (1, 1, 0) 12. But, residual of SARIMA model has not been fulfilled an autocorrelation assumption so that it isproposed a new model of SARIMA-ANN. The residual model of SARIMA is built using the ANN model architecture with 2-2-2-1 network topology. The performance rate of time series model of tourist arrivals which is the data started on January 2012 until March 2019 is measured using Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). Based on the MAPE value of 17.1770% indicates that the model obtained having good performance to forecast the number of tourist arrivals through Minangkabau International Airport in the future.