Curriculum vitae 157 List of publications and presentations 159 My research work within my Ph.D. started with the project AMEDEO enabling me to meet and exchange with great people, visit many research institutes and access valuable training all over the journey. For that, I am very grateful to my supervisor Dr. Tom Verstraete who believed on my small but growing GPU expertise back on 2013. Tom has done a fantastic supervising work with me by first giving me the freedom to act in my research but then closely checking my results. Moreover, I would like to thank Juliet Jopson for successfully coordinating the AMEDEO project and making the administration part much easier for all research fellows within the project. I would like also to thank Prof. Harvey Thomson for offering me a secondment within his team at the University of Leeds. During the short stay, I cooperated with Nicolas Delbosc from whom I learned so much about GPU performance assessment. I am very grateful to you Nic. I am thankful to all of AMEDEO people and a special thank to Dr. Roeland de Breuker for putting me in contact with Prof. Kees Vuik who later become my Ph.D. promoter. Prof. Vuik knows how to get a student fully motivated and prepared for the challenges within a Ph.D. project. You name a software library or a research facility and he would surely know someone to contact to make the stuff happen that you asked for (e.g. DAS-5, SURFsara, Paralution). For all the time and the effort you invested in my project I am really thankful. I would like also to thank the graduate school at TU Delft for the enriching courses and the possibility they bring to meet other Ph.D. students and exchange about ideas, challenges, views, fears, and ambitions. I would like to thank Deborah Dongor for helping me through the process of being an external Ph.D. student. My work would not have reached the maturity it has now without the constant support of the people of the TU department in VKI. My supervisor Tom and Prof. Tony Arts were always supportive when it comes to attending conferences and presenting my work. I owe a lot of what I learned during these last years to my colleague Lasse Müller. Besides the valuable discussions he provided me with the CPU version of the CFD simulation, the base of all my work. I am grateful to my colleague Christopher Chahine who taught me a lot of practical knowledge in design optimization. I would like to thank Roberto with whom I cooperated the last months and learned a lot. Eager to continue the collaboration. For the rest of the TU group I xi xii hope we will renew our biweekly department meeting to continue exchanging about our latest results. I would like to thank all the computer center staff here at VKI and also Christelle and Evelyne for supporting my numerous requests for papers and documentation. I am thankful to the VKI administration and especially to Dirk who made all administrative procedures so easy for me at the beginning of my Ph.D. and after him, Simone took over and facilitated all the paper work for me. I would ...