Nuclear magnetic resonance is used to characterize local atomic motions in the glassy and supercooled liquid states of the bulk metallic glass system Pd 43 Ni 10 Cu 27 P 20 . The temperature dependence of the Knight shift reveals that certain local atomic motion decreases rapidly below a crossover temperature T c down to the glass transition temperature T g . Above T c as well as below T g the meansquared amplitude of local motions depends linearly on the temperature. The observed gradual transition below T c is inconsistent with heterogeneity effects. It reveals that qualitative changes of microscopic properties in the supercooled liquid take place at temperatures significantly above T g . DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.265502 PACS numbers: 63.50.+x, 61.43.-j, 76.60.-k An important issue of the nature of glass transition is whether it is a manifestation of qualitative changes of the microscopic property above T g or a hidden phase transition below T g [1,2]. Among various theories, the modecoupling theory (MCT) predicts a qualitative change in the microscopic dynamics in the supercooled liquid at a crossover temperature T c significantly above. In a liquid of densely packed atoms, an atom is temporarily trapped inside the cage formed by neighboring atoms and undergoes vibrations and rattling before escaping the cage [3,4]. Here, the time dependence of the position vectorr r i t of a given atom i can be described byr r i t R R i t ũ u i t where the rapidly changingũ u i t describes local motions with time average hũ u i ti 0 and the slowly varyingR R i t describes the transition of the atom from one cage to another [5]. Consistent with this picture, MCT predicts that q; t, the correlation function of density fluctuations with wave number q, undergoes a two-step relaxation process, called fast relaxation and relaxation [3,4]. An important prediction of MCT is the temperature (T) dependence ofũ u i associated with the fast relaxation [3,4]. The effect ofũ u i contributes to an effective Debye-Waller factor f q expÿ2W. MCT predicts that f q increases critically from f q f c q above a crossover temperature T c > T g to f q f c q h q " p below T c where " T c ÿ T=T c and h q is an amplitude. Experimentally, the separation between the time scales of and fast relaxations in the temperature range of interest is often insufficient for model-independent determination of f q by neutron scattering [6]. So far, measurements of the effects ofũ u i have not revealed the critical behavior of f q in metallic supercooled liquids [7][8][9]. A recent diffusion measurement [10], which measures the effect ofR R i t, showed changes of diffusion mechanisms in the supercooled liquid region of Pd 43 Ni 10 Cu 27 P 20 , one of the best metallic glass formers [11,12]. Here, we introduce a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) method for probingũ u i in Pd 43 Ni 10 Cu 27 P 20 using the average Knight shift. The result reveals clearly a crossover behavior of the microscopic property in the supercooled liquid atThe preparation of high purity Pd 43...