Tooth wear is a multifactorial condition leading to the loss of dental hard tissues. A counselling/monitoring protocol is of importance in order to keep that loss as limited as possible. Since many factors are involved and a time span of decades is included, research to disentangle all these processes in patients is difficult. Instead, a modelling technique was used that is able to deal with time, costs and probabilistic and stochastic information. The aim was to shed light on the question: does a yearly or a once‐in‐five‐years counselling/monitoring protocol yield better outcome measures?
A so‐called timed automata model was adopted, analysed with the tool UPPAAL. To our knowledge, this is the first time that formal modelling is applied in dentistry. In this article, a UPPAAL model for the evaluation of tooth wear is described.
Using the UPPAAL model, it was calculated that with a yearly counselling/monitoring protocol the severity of tooth wear at age 74, the total costs per person and the number of restorative treatments were less, and the number of so‐called “good years” was higher.
With the use of the UPPAAL model, it may be concluded that a yearly counselling/monitoring protocol can yield better outcome measures.
Clinical Significance
Regarding dentistry in general and tooth wear in particular, with the use of a timed automata model in UPPAAL, actual research questions can be answered, factors of influence in a multifactorial condition like tooth wear can be clarified, and future research topics can be determined.