We determine complex saddles of three-dimensional gravity with positive cosmological constant by applying the recently proposed holography. It is sometimes useful to consider complexified metric to study quantum gravity as in the case of no-boundary proposal by Hartle and Hawking. However, there would be too many saddles for complexified gravity, and we should determine which saddles to take. We describe the gravity theory by three-dimensional SL(2, C) Chern-Simons theory. At the leading order in the Newton constant, its holographic dual is given by Liouville theory with large imaginary central charge. We examine geometry with a conical defect, called as de Sitter black hole, from Liouville two-point function. We also consider geometry with two conical defects, whose saddles are determined by the monodromy matrix of Liouville four-point function. Utilizing Chern-Simons description, we extend the similar analysis to the case with higher-spin gravity.