This work presents the first mineralogical, geochemical and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar geochronological data on hypabyssal facies lamproites near Kalmidadar and Darlimunda in the Nuapada Lamproite Field of the Bastar Craton. The Kalmidadar lamproite is a diamondiferous intrusion with surface dimension of *320 m 9 160 m, whereas the Darlimunda lamproite is a dyke swarm comprising clusters of several narrow (\5 m wide) and elongated bodies. Indicator mineral suite around the Kalmidadar lamproite is marked by abundance of Cr-spinel, rarity of garnet and absence of Cr-diopside and picroilmenite. Mineralogically, the Kalmidadar lamproite comprises phenocrysts of olivine (pseudomorphed by calcite and talc) and microphenocrysts of phlogopite set in a groundmass of chlorite and calcite. The phlogopite is Ti rich (5.4-7.4 wt % TiO 2 ), and the relationship between its Ti content and octahedral site deficiency indicates two substitution mechanisms, viz. Ti + ' $ 2 Mg and Ti ? 2Al $ Mg ? 2Si. The Darlimunda lamproites have undergone pervasive hydrothermal and/or deuteric alteration, which has resulted in complete chloritisation of phlogopite and extensive silicification of the rocks. Tiny grains of rutile and apatite are commonly scattered in the groundmass of both Kalmidadar and Darlimunda lamproites. The Nuapada lamproites have high contents of compatible elements such as V, Cr and Ni and of incompatible elements such as Ba, Zr, Nb and Hf. They also show high abundance of REE and enrichment in LREE relative to HREE. The incompatible element distribution patterns of the lamproites are marked by Nb, Sr, P, Hf and Zr anomalies relative to REE. The observed petrological and geochemical characteristics of the Nuapada lamproites are consistent with the derivation of the magma from a metasomatised subcontinental lithospheric mantle source. Whole-rock 40 Ar/ 39 Ar isotopic data yields an age of 1055 ± 10 Ma for the Nuapada lamproites.