The phenomenon of savings (the ability to relearn faster than the first time) is a familiar property of many learning systems. The utility of savings makes its underlying mechanisms of special interest. We used a combination of computer simulations and reversible lesions to investigate mechanisms of savings that operate in the cerebellum during eyelid conditioning, a well characterized form of motor learning. The results suggest that a site of plasticity outside the cerebellar cortex (possibly in the cerebellar nucleus) can be protected from the full consequences of extinction and that the residual plasticity that remains can later contribute to the savings seen during relearning.Key words: plasticity; learning; memory; eyelid conditioning; simulation; LTD; LTP; extinction Riding a bicycle, playing the piano, and typing are examples of motor skills that illustrate our capacity for relearning that is much more rapid than the original learning. In the laboratory, this rapid relearning is known as savings and has been frequently studied in the context of Pavlovian conditioning of motor responses. During conditioning of eyelid responses for example, paired presentations of a tone [the conditioned stimulus (CS)] and a reinforcing unconditioned stimulus (US), such as periorbital electrical stimulation, promote the acquisition of a conditioned motor response (closing the eyelid in response to the tone). These conditioned responses can be unlearned during extinction training in which the CS is not paired with the US (Schneiderman et al., 1962). During reacquisition training, savings is apparent because relearning occurs much faster than original learning (Frey and Ross, 1968;Napier et al., 1992). The existence of savings is among the evidence supporting the notion that extinction training leaves behind residual excitatory strength (Reberg, 1972;Schactman et al., 1985;Kehoe, 1988). Here we present evidence for this residual-plasticity hypothesis in eyelid conditioning and characterize basic mechanisms involved in the savings observed with this form of motor learning.A variety of evidence indicates that the cerebellum is a necessary component of the neural pathways that mediate eyelid conditioning (Thompson, 1986;Thompson and Krupa, 1994;Raymond et al., 1996;Kim and Thompson, 1997). This evidence, combined with the well characterized synaptic organization and physiology of the cerebellum (Eccles et al., 1967;Llinas, 1981;Ito, 1984;Voogd and Glickstein, 1998), makes it possible to build large-scale computer simulations of the cerebellum and to test their capacity to display eyelid conditioning. We have shown previously that, by incorporating the evidence for plasticity at two sites (one in the cerebellar cortex and one in the cerebellar interpositus nucleus), these simulations can emulate the acquisition and extinction of conditioned responses (Medina et al., 2000). Here we report that these same simulations also display savings, even after extensive extinction training. In the simulations, the rules for plasticity combine...