An infertile couple visited an in vitro fertilization center situated in Maharashtra, India, seeking treatment for primary infertility. The 39-year-old premenopausal woman had a history of two intrauterine inseminations and intracytoplasmic sperm injections (ICSI), along with a history of tuberculosis from six years, and a normal hormonal range. The male was normozoospermic. The patient was given a gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist treatment and triggered before 36 hours of ovum pickup (OPU), but the cycle failed. Due to normal blood parameters, it was decided to use an optimal microscope using a polarizing filter to check the timing of meiotic spindle (MS) formation in the oocytes. The patient was triggered again for OPU, and during the procedure, 14 oocytes were retrieved. It was decided to perform ICSI after seven and a half hours of OPU post-observation of MS formation around the same hour. On day 21, the patient was suggested for embryo transfer (ET), where two blastocysts (4AA and 3AA) were transferred into the uterus. After a successful ET, the patient was discharged from the hospital. On day 14, a beta-human chronic gonadotrophin report revealed a positive pregnancy (910 mIU/mL).