In this study rocks samples of Gyűrűfű Rhyolite Formation were observed from deep drillings at northern foreland of the Villány Mts. Remained cores and thin sections from Bisse-1, Peterd-1, Szava-1, Vókány-2, Egerág-7 and Szalánta-3 drillings were available in varying -but generally restricted -number for the petrographic reambulation. Based on the new petrographic descriptions and the previous reports, 2 main lithological groups were distinguished in the area: lava rocks and pyroclastites. Based on the mineralogical composition and texture the following rock types are distinguishable:(1) pyroclastites with rhyolitic composition (Peterd-1; Vókány-2, upper section; Egerág-7, upper section; Szalánta-3, upper section and presumably Bisse-1, upper section); (2) lava rocks with rhyolitic composition (Bisse-1, lower section; Szava-1; Vókány-2, lower section); (3) lava rocks with dacitic composition (Egerág-7, lower section); (4) lava rocks with rhyodacitic-dacitic composition (Szalánta-3, lower section).At northern foreland of the Villány Mts, the magmatic activity started with lava flows (creating a rhyolitic lava dome/lava flow in the area of Szava and Bisse-Vókány and rhyodacitic-dacitic lava rocks in the area of Egerág-Szalánta) and was followed by explosive eruptions, covering the area with thick ignimbrite sheets.Pyroclastites explored by drillings have rhyolitic composition at present but their crystal-rich character may refer to dacitic initial melt composition; resembling to the so-called crystal-rich monotoneous intermediates. These products are connected to reactivated crystal mush from middle-upper crustal magma reservoirs. Considering that pyroclastites were affected by a posterior K-metasomatic process (e.g. adularization of feldspars in rocks of Peterd-1), the modification of their chemical composition cannot be excluded. Further studies of the garnet crystals observed in the pyroclastites of Egerág-7 and Szalánta-3 deep drillings could help to refine the nature of Permian volcanism in the area.Our new results suggest that at northern foreland of the Villány Mts -similarly to analogous regions of European Variscides (e.g. Intra-Sudetic Basin, Southern Permian Basin, Muntii Apuseni) -a chemically complex, possibly long lasting volcanic system worked and produced the rock materials that were formerly handled as one separate stratigraphical marker formation. For further investigation of this system, radiometric age dating of each borehole (U-Pb, zircon) and whole rock (major and trace elements) geochemical analyses are planned.Keywords: Villány Mountains, Gyűrűfű Rhyolite, Permian, pyroclastite, lava rock, garnet, K-metasomatism
ÖsszefoglalásMunkánkban a Gyűrűfűi Riolit Formáció Villányi-hegység északi előterében mélyfúrások által feltárt kőzeteit vizsgáltuk. A Bisse-1, a Peterd-1, a Szava-1, a Vókány-2, az Egerág-7 és a Szalánta-3 fúrásokból változó, de alapvetően korlátozott mennyiségű fúrómag és vékonycsiszolat állt rendelkezésre a kőzettani reambulációhoz. Petrográfiai megfigyeléseink, valamint...