We demonstrate apertureless near-field microscopy of single molecules at sub-10 nm resolution. With a novel phase filter, near-field images of single organic fluorophores were obtained with sixfold improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio. The improvement allowed pairs of molecules separated by 15 nm to be reliably and repeatedly resolved, thus demonstrating the first true Rayleigh resolution test for near-field images of single molecules. The potential of this technique for biological applications was demonstrated with an experiment that measured the helical rise of A-form DNA. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.260801 PACS numbers: 07.79.Fc, 42.50.Hz, 87.15.ÿv, 87.64.Xx For nano-and molecular science and technology, nearfield optical microscopy provides a technique to measure and manipulate structures at subdiffraction limited resolution. The use of a sharp apertureless tip to locally perturb the fields at the sample with apertureless near-field scanning optical microscopy (ANSOM) has allowed spatial resolution at or surpassing 20 nm using elastic scattering [1,2], Raman scattering [3,4], and fluorescence excitation [5,6]. With fluorescence ANSOM, fluorescence of the sample is modified by the proximity of the tip that enhances the excitation field near it, but at the same time induces nonradiative energy transfer (fluorescence quenching) [7]. As a result of the two competitive effects, only single folds of fluorescence enhancement [8][9][10][11][12][13][14] or small fractions of fluorescence quenching [15,16] can be measured. Detection of the small high-resolution signal against the classical signal excited by the laser illumination has remained the main concern of fluorescence ANSOM.Single molecules are widely used as fluorescent tags or reporters in biology [17], sensitive probes in materials and physical chemistry [18], and model single quantum systems for studying light-matter interactions [18]. Near-field optical imaging of single molecules has intrigued scientists since the demonstration by Betzig et al. [19]. Unfortunately, it has been a challenge [7,16] to image fluorescent molecules with ANSOM due to the inherent molecular fluorescence fluctuation [inset of Fig. 1(b)] and the limited number of photons available before photochemical destruction (photobleaching) of the molecule. Only two experiments have achieved resolution at 30 -40 nm by imaging isolated molecules in vacuum or in a matrix [11] or using a nanofabricated metal tip on top of a fiber aperture [20]. More recently, it was demonstrated that properly designed ''nanoantennas'' can enhance the power of the optical near field by several orders [21,22] or reduce nonradiative energy transfer [23], thus holding promise for imaging single molecules. In this Letter, we demonstrate single-molecule ANSOM imaging at sub-10 nm resolution using a novel phase filter. For the first time, two molecules separated by less than 15 nm can be resolved with ANSOM. We applied this technique to measure the helical rise of A-form DNA. The progress we present will accele...