Chromatin is the epigenomic platform for diverse nuclear processes such as DNA repair, replication, transcription, telomere, and centromere function. In cancer cells, mutations in key processes result in DNA amplification, chromosome translocations, and chromothripsis, severely distorting the natural chromatin state. In normal and diseased states, dozens of chromatin effectors alter the physical integrity and dynamics of chromatin at the level of both single nucleosomes and arrays of nucleosomes folded into 3-dimensional shapes. Integrating these length scales, from the 10 nm sized nucleosome to mitotic chromosomes, whilst jostling within the crowded environment of the cell, cannot yet be achieved by a single technology. In this review, we discuss tools that have proven powerful in the investigation of nucleosome and chromatin fiber dynamics. We also provide a deeper focus into atomic force microscopy (AFM) applications that can bridge diverse length and time scales. Using time course AFM, we observe that chromatin condensation by H1.5 is dynamic, whereas using nano-indentation force spectroscopy we observe that both histone variants and nucleosome binding partners alter material properties of individual nucleosomes. Finally, we demonstrate how high-speed AFM can visualize plasmid DNA dynamics, intermittent nucleosome-nucleosome contacts, and changes in nucleosome phasing along a contiguous chromatin fiber. Altogether, the development of innovative technologies holds the promise of revealing the secret lives of nucleosomes, potentially bridging the gaps in our understanding of how chromatin works within living cells and tissues.