The authors note that: "Due to a minor technical error in the calculation of the climatological average of the considered atmospheric temperatures for each calendar day, Figs. 2 and 3 appeared incorrectly. The amended figures and their legends are provided below. The main message and the interpretation of our paper remain unaffected by this correction." "The figures in the Supporting Information have been exchanged accordingly. We'd like to add that for the calculation of the climatological average, the leap days have been removed, and in the prediction phase, only the data from the past up to the prediction date have been considered. In addition, we note that for calculating the link strengths S ij (t), not the cross-covariance function C ij (t) (τ) has been considered but the absolute values of the corresponding cross-correlation functions c ij (t) (τ). When averaging over all link strengths, we obtain the time dependent average link strength S(t). In the learning phase, we compare S(t) with decision thresholds above its mean to obtain the optimal threshold used in the prediction phase." Fig. 2. The forecasting algorithm. We compare the average link strength S(t) in the climate network (red curve) with a decision threshold Θ (horizontal line, here Θ = 2.82) (left scale) with the standard NINO3.4 index (right scale), between January 1, 1950 and December 31, 2011. Only thresholds above the average of S(t) in the learning phase are considered. When the link strength crosses the threshold from below outside an El Niño episode, we give an alarm and predict that an El Niño episode will start in the following calendar year. The El Niño episodes (when the NINO3.4 index is above 0.5°C for at least 5 mo) are shown by the filled blue areas. The first half of the record (A) is the learning phase where we optimize the decision threshold. In the second half (B), we use the threshold obtained in (A) to predict El Niño episodes. Correct predictions are marked by green arrows and false alarms by dashed arrows. The index n marks a nonpredicted El Niño episode. To resolve by eye the accurate positions of the alarms, we show in SI Appendix, Fig. S5, magnifications of those parts of Fig. 2 where the crossings or non-crossings are difficult to see clearly without magnification. We also show the alarms for the slightly larger threshold Θ = 2.83 (SI Appendix, Fig. S6), which yields the same performance in the learning phase and one more false alarm in the prediction phase. The lead time between the prediction and the beginning of the El Nino episodes is 1.01 ± 0.28 y, while the lead time to the maximal NINO3.4 value is 1.35 ± 0.47 y.