Abstract. A system was developed for protoplast isolation and culture from suspension cultured cells of winged bean, Psophocarpus tetragonolobus. Cells from a three-day-old suspension were incubated in an enzyme mixture containing 6% cellulysin, 1% Macerase, 1% desalted Rhozyme, 0.4M sorbitol, and 0.1M CaCl: at pH 5.5. Average yields of protoplasts were 6.5 × 106 per gram fresh weight of cells. Protoplasts were cultured in modified B5 medium containing 68.4g/1 glucose, 250mg/l xylose, 0.1mg/l 2,4-D, 0.5 mg/1 BAP, 250 mg/l N-Z amine type AS, and 20 ml/1 coconut water.After 24 h of culture, the protoplasts had synthesized a new wall, and in three days had begun division. The optimum plating density was 1-2 × i0 ~ protoplasts/ml. The division frequency ranged between 40%-60% for most experiments with a high of 72% in one experiment. After three weeks, cell colonies could be transferred to solid MS medium containing N-Z anfine and coconut water where callus developed. This protoplast system is technically comparable to soybean for experiments concerned with genetic manipulation involving legumes.