This paper reports on the design and testing of a heat transfer gauge suitable for the spectrum of radiation encountered during entry to the atmosphere of Titan. Experiments were performed on a 70 sphere-cone in the X3 expansion tube at average freestream velocity, pitot pressure, static pressure, and density of 5:83 km=s, 76 kPa, 1.15 kPa, and 2:43 10 3 kg=m 3 , respectively. The radiation gauges used thin-film-sensing elements mounted behind a borosilicate window on the windward surface and were therefore shielded from the convective heat transfer. The assembled gauges are uniformly sensitive for radiation in the wavelength range from 0.347 to 2 m and give an integrated measurement of the total radiant flux in this band. Externally mounted thermocouple gauges were used to measure the total heat transfer and the ratio of radiant to the total heat flux found. The Titan atmosphere was simulated by a mixture of 5% methane (by volume) in nitrogen. Comparative tests using pure nitrogen confirmed that, without the methane content, negligible radiation was produced, which is consistent with cyanogen being the primary radiator. Results from this study demonstrate that the gauges and the superorbital expansion tube facility are useful resources for the study of nonequilibrium radiating flows.
Nomenclaturea = speed of sound, m=s d g = distance between thin-film sensors and rear surface of optical window on radiation gauge, mm d! = solid angle, sr E = radiative energy, W F ij = fraction of energy leaving surface i that is incident on surface j (inverse view factor of f v ) f v = radiation gauge view factor H 0 = total enthalpy, J=kg h = enthalpy, J=kg, or distance separating front surface of optical window and thin-film sensors, mm L = characteristic length, m l s = dimensionless length scale, equal to L f =L exp M = Mach number p = pressure, Pa _ q = heating rate, W=cm 2 _ q r surface = surface radiative heating rate to test model R = radius (related to vehicle/model), m or mm r = radius, m or mm S = entropy, kJ=kg K T = temperature, K, or transmission through optical windows U = velocity, m=s U e = equivalent velocity, m=s U1 = primary shock speed, m=s U2 = secondary shock speed, m=s mc = Mach cone angle R = heat flux gauge sensitivity, V=K = Goulard number = ratio of specific heats = shock standoff, cm or mm = density, kg=m 3 v = optical thickness = mole fraction Subscripts c = convective or corner exp = experimental f = flight gw = glass window (for radiation gauge) N = nose p = pitot r = radiative s = static s 0 = postshock tf = thin-film sensing element tot = total 0 = stagnation/total 1 = freestream