Magnesium is one of the most important elements in stellar physics as an electron donor; in Galactic archaeology, magnesium serves to distinguish different stellar populations.
However, previous studies of Mg I and Mg II lines in metal-poor benchmark stars indicate that magnesium abundances inferred from one-dimensional (1D), hydrostatic models of stellar atmospheres, both with and without the local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) approximation, can be problematic.
Here, we present three-dimensional (3D) non-LTE calculations for magnesium in FG-type dwarfs and provide corrections for 1D-LTE abundances.
3D non-LTE corrections reduce the ionisation imbalances
in the benchmark metal-poor stars HD84937 and HD140283
from $-0.16\ and $-0.27\ in 1D LTE to just $-0.02\ and $-0.09\ respectively. We applied our abundance corrections to 1D LTE literature results for stars in the thin disc, thick disc, alpha -rich halo, and alpha -poor halo. We observed that 3D non-LTE results had a richer substructure in $ Mg Fe $ in the alpha -poor halo, revealing two sub-populations at the metal-rich end.
These two sub-populations also differ in kinematics, supporting the astrophysical origin of the separation.
While the more magnesium-poor sub-population is likely to be debris from a massive accreted galaxy, Gaia-Enceladus, the other sub-population may be related to a previously identified group of stars, called Eos.
The additional separation in $ Mg $ suggests that previous Mg abundance measurements may have been imprecise due to the 1D and LTE approximations, highlighting the importance of 3D non-LTE modelling.