Titanium(IV) Enolates of 2-Nitrocarboxylic Esters and Their Oxidative Chlorination. A ConvenientRoute to α-Chloro-α-nitrocarboxylates. -The novel method involves oxidative chlorination of titanium(IV) enolates derived from esters (I) and (III) in the presence ammonium nitrate. In the case of substrates (III), the reaction proceeds with high meso-diastereoselectivity. -(CIEZ*, D.; KALINOWSKA-TLUSCIK, J.; Synlett 2012, 2, 267-271, http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-0031-1290081 ; Fac. Chem., Jagiellonian Univ., PL-30-060 Krakow, Pol.; Eng.) -Mais 18-049