We compared the ability of two theoretical methods of pH-dependent conformational calculations to reproduce experimental potentiometric-titration curves of two models of peptides: Ac-K 5 -NHMe in 95% methanol (MeOH)/5% water mixture and Ac-XX(A) 7 OO-NH 2 (XAO) (where X is diaminobutyric acid, A is alanine, and O is ornithine) in water, methanol (MeOH) and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), respectively. The titration curve of the former was taken from the literature, and the curve of the latter was determined in this work. The first theoretical method involves a conformational search using the Electrostatically Driven Monte Carlo (EDMC) method with a low-cost energy function (ECEPP/3 plus the SRFOPT surface-solvation model, assumming that all titratable groups are uncharged) and subsequent reevaluation of the free energy at a given pH with the Poisson-Boltzmann equation, considering variable protonation states. In the second procedure, MD simulations are run with the AMBER force field and the Generalized-Born model of electrostatic solvation, and the protonation states are sampled during constant-pH MD runs. In all three solvents, the first pK a of XAO is strongly downshifted compared to the value for the reference compounds (ethyl amine and propyl amine, respectively); the water and methanol curves have one, and the DMSO curve has two jumps characteristic of remarkable differences in the dissociation constants of acidic groups. The predicted titration curves of Ac-K 5 -NHMe are in good agreement with the experimental ones; better agreement is achieved with the MD-based method. The titration curves of XAO in methanol and DMSO, calculated using the MD-based approach, trace the shape of the experimental curves, reproducing the pH jump, while those calculated with the EDMC-based approach, and the titration curve in water calculated using the MD-based approach, have smooth shapes characteristic of the titration of weak multifunctional acids with small differences between the dissociation constants. Nevertheless, quantitative agreement between theoretically predicted and experimental titration curves is not achieved in all three solvents even with the MD-based approach which is manifested by a smaller pH range of the calculated titration curves with respect to the experimental curves. The poorer agreement obtained for water than for the non-aqueous solvents suggests a significant role of specific solvation in water, which cannot be accounted for by the meanfield solvation models.