The probable verb qñta-, thus corresponding to Greek ἐργάζειν, is explained as an extension of qã-< *g wh en-'slay, kill', like Latin -fendere. The personal name Xesñtedi = Kεσινδηλις is corrected to Xesñtei analogous to Tebursseli, both going back to an ethnonym in the language of the Lycian poems (Lycian B). The place name *Xesñti may be linked with Lycian A χaha-, which could correspond to Late Luwian 1 /hasa-/ 'satiety' or similar, signifying 'having satiety'. The personal name Sbelimi is probably derived from esbe-'horse', as 'herding horses'. The second member -sñni '(2/3)-year-old' is explained by Gothic asans 'harvest time' and its cognates, including Armenian ašun, postulating PIE *h 2 s > Lycian s. Xϑϑãn-is explained by Latin ador 'spelt', Gothic atisk-'seed' and Armenian hat 'grain, seed', hence possibly signifying 'granary'.