Background: Mucormycosis (previously called zygomycosis) is a serious but rare fungal infection caused by a group of molds called mucormycetes. These molds live throughout the environment. Aim: to assess Women awareness regarding prevention of mucormycosis among their families. Research design: Descriptive design was utilized to achieve the aim of the study. Setting:The study was conducted at health center at district fiften Alashir of Ramadan city Alshraqia Governorate Egypt. Sample: simple random sample. Sample size: The sample size was 265 women. Data collection tool: the data was collected by using two tools: First tool: An Interviewing questionnaire for women. Consist of demographic data and women knowledge. 2 nd tool self-reported practice regarding prevention of mucormycosis among their families. Results: the majority 98.1% of the studied women had a poor knowledge about Mucormycosis and 1.9% of them had average knowledge. And 60.8% of the studied women had good practices and 39.2% of them had average practices. Conclusion: there was positive correlation between total women's knowledge and their reported practice. Recommendation: Specific interventions need to be designed and implemented for the women to increase their knowledge, practice and attitude about mucormycosis prevention