Examining the competitiveness of public transport plays an important role because through public transport, the transport of passengers to schools, public healthcare establishments and work is ensured. In addition, transportation for vulnerable groups of passengers (students, seniors) is provided. On the other hand, public transport constitutes a financial burden on public budgets. The aim of this paper is to point out that public transport does not have an equal status in the transport market within the European Union. In the states of Central and Eastern Europe, public transport had a dominant position in the transport market in the 90s. Nowadays, the market share is declining, particularly in the bus transport, with the rising costs for public budgets regarding an increase in individual motoring. The aim of this paper is to highlight the possibilities of increasing the competitiveness of public transport by integrating different components of public transport. Another aim is to define the possibilities of financing public transport.
Keywords: competitiveness, transport, passenger transport, financing, source JEL Classification: R48, H40
INTRODUCIONThe EU transport strategy prefers the transport of passengers by public passenger transport to individual transport because the use of public passenger transport results in meeting all the goals of the EU strategy in the field of road safety. It relates mainly to the stabilization of the increased road transport claims on infrastructure. This expansion is problematic especially in built-up areas. Construction of a new expressway infrastructure caused by an increasing transport operation is a long-standing problem due to the ageing of population in the EU. The support of public passenger transport brings a lower fuel consumption. This is the way how to attain another objective of the EU strategy in the field of transport, which is the reduction of the EU's dependence on crude oil as a raw material that needs to be imported to the EU. Emission of air pollutants is another strategic goal that is fulfilled due to a lower diesel fuel consumption (Konečný at all, 2016). Based on the considerations from above, it has been concluded that the strategic objectives of the EU transport policy are achieved when population use the public passenger transport. In this regard, it has to be noted that it is necessary to support the public passenger transport and its competitiveness in relation to the individual automobile transport , (Simionescu, 2016). The aim of this paper is to identify the importance of public passenger transport and to define the effective method to increase public transport competitiveness. The increasing fare being dependent on an increasing transport service quality causes a decrease in transport service demand. The price elasticity of transport demand for public mass transport is -0.32 (Konečný at all, 2016), therefore, the aim
Journal of CompetitivenessJournal of Competitiveness of the paper is to except the optimization of transport service and to...