Detection of amplification of the MYCN gene is essential for determining optimal treatment and estimating prognosis of patients with neuroblastoma (NB). DNA FISH with neuroblastoma tissues or patient-derived bone marrow cells is the standard clinical practice for the detection of MYCN amplification. As tumor cells may often be unavailable, we developed a method to detect MYCN amplification in the plasma of patients with neuroblastoma. Taking single-copy NAGK DNA as reference, we used real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) to determine the MYCN/NAGK ratio in the plasma of 115 patients diagnosed with NB. An increased MYCN/NAGK ratio in the plasma was consistent with MYCN amplification as assessed by DNA FISH. The AUC for a MYCN/NAGK ratio equal to 6.965 was 0.943, with 86% sensitivity and 100% specificity. Beyond the threshold of 6.965, the MYCN/NAGK ratio correlated with a heavier tumor burden. Event-free and overall survival of two years were significantly shortened in stage 4 patients with a MYCN/NAGK ratio higher than 6.965. Plasma MYCN/NAGK ratios increased in patients with progressive disease and relapse. Thus, we conclude that the determination of the plasma MYCN/ NAGK ratio by qPCR is a noninvasive and reproducible method to measure MYCN amplification in patients with NB.