“…The discrete mass-spring model of the ear contributed to an enhanced understanding of how the structures affected by otosclerosis influence hearing, and how they relate to the different grades of the disease. When investigating the altered parameters in otosclerosis, it was possible to predict both quantitatively and qualitatively, based on the discrete mass-spring model, the influence of stapedial annular ligament stiffness (Dai et al, 2009;Feng and Gan, 2004;Huber et al, 2003;Min et al, 2010) at the early stages and the influence of increased stapedial mass (Beales, 1987;Brookler, 2008;Frost, 1962;Hungria, 1988;Iyer and Gristwood, 1984;Miller and Schein et al, 2005;Min et al, 2010;Vicente et al, 2004) at the advanced stages, thereby corroborating the qualitative data already reported in the literature.…”