In this paper, we study the solving of the gridless sparse optimization problem and its application to 3D image deconvolution. Based on the recent works of [14] introducing the Sliding Frank-Wolfe algorithm to solve the Beurling LASSO problem, we introduce an accelerated algorithm, denoted BSFW, that preserves its convergence properties, while removing most of the costly local descents. Besides, as the solving of BLASSO still relies on a regularization parameter, we introduce a homotopy algorithm to solve the constrained BLASSO that allows to use a more practical parameter based on the image residual, e.g. its standard deviation. Both algorithms benefit from a finite termination property, i.e. they are guaranteed to find the solution in a finite number of step under mild conditions. These methods are then applied on the problem of 3D tomographic diffractive microscopy images, with the purpose of explaining the image by a small number of atoms in convolved observations. Numerical results on synthetic and real images illustrates the improvement provided by the BSFW method, the homotopy method and their combination.