[1] We discuss an innovation in traveltime tomography that combines wavelet-based, multiscale parameterization and finite-frequency theory to solve two outstanding issues that inevitably arise from uneven source station distributions and from the three-dimensional (3-D) nature of wavefront healing: how to objectively address the intrinsically multiscale nature of data coverage while simultaneously maintain model resolution at each scale level. We apply the new, integrated methodology to investigate 3-D variations of P and S wave speeds (dlnV P and dlnV S ) beneath the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen. In particular, we are able to constrain variations in the Poisson's ratio via dln(V P /V S ). The formulation is naturally data adaptive, resolving features at each scale only if the required data converge is available. The very first, long-wavelength feature that emerges is a clear anomaly of high dlnV that extends over more than 500 km beyond the northern edge of the Lhasa terrane at places. Farther northward, a strong negative anomaly underlies the region where recent volcanism occurs in northern Tibet. Regions of negative dln(V P /V S ) delineate a slab-like, subhorizontal feature concentrated between depths of ∼100-250 km. Such characteristics are consistent with the notion that chemically refractory, and therefore buoyant, mantle lithosphere of the Indian shield ("Greater India") has advanced subhorizontally northward far beyond the surficial Bangong-Nujiang suture. In the crust, two isolated regions of low dlnV, each extending to depths near 100 km, occur along the Lunggar and the Yadong-Gulu active rifts in southern Tibet. Deep penetrating rifts imply that only a limited amount of horizontal displacement is being accommodated on subvertical structures.Citation: Hung, S.-H., W.-P. Chen, and L.-Y. Chiao (2011), A data-adaptive, multiscale approach of finite-frequency, traveltime tomography with special reference to P and S wave data from central Tibet,