The influence of scatter of principal input parameters of the forging system on the dimensional accuracy of product and on the tool life for closed-die forging process is presented in this paper. Scatter of the essential input parameters for the closed-die upsetting process was adjusted to the maximal values that enabled the reliable production of a dimensionally accurate product at optimal tool life. An operating window was created in which exists the maximal scatter of principal input parameters for the closed-die upsetting process that still ensures the desired dimensional accuracy of the product and the optimal tool life. Application of the adjustment of the process input parameters is shown on the example of making an inner race of homokinetic joint from mass production. High productivity in manufacture of elements by cold massive extrusion is often achieved by multiple forming operations that are performed simultaneously on the same press. By redesigning the time sequences of forming operations at multistage forming process of starter barrel during the working stroke the course of the resultant force is optimized.Key words: cold foring, process reliability, product accuracy, tool life, FE simulation
PovzetekPrispevek podaja vpliv raztrosa glavnih vhodnih parametrov preoblikovanega sistema na natančnost izdelka in vzdržljivost orodja pri hladnem preoblikovanju v zaprti matrici. Za postopek nakrčevanja v zaprti matrici je bila izvedena prilagoditev glavnih parametrov procesa na maksimalne vrednosti, ki zagotavljajo zanesljivo proizvodnjo preciznega izdelka in optimalno vzdržljivost orodja. Kreirano je bilo operacijsko okno z maksimalnim raztrosom vhodnih parametrov za postopek nakrčevanja v zaprti matrici, ki zagotavlja žele-no natančnost izdelka in optimalno vzdržljivost orodja. Prilagoditev vhodnih parametrov je prikazana na izdelavi kroglaste glave homokinetičnega zgloba v masovni proizvodnji. Visoko produktivnost izdelkov lahko dosežemo z več stopenjskim preoblikovanjem na isti stiskalnici. Z rekonstrukcijo časovnega zaporedja poteka preoblikovalnih operacij pri večstopenjskem preoblikovanju pesta zaganjalnika lahko izvedemo optimizacijo poteka rezultante sil.Ključne besede: hladno preoblikovanje, zanesljivost procesov, natančnost izdelka, vzdržljivost orodij, simulacija z MKE