Registered reports (RR) are a part of open science where the aim is to improve the rigor of studies, while reducing publication biases, by encouraging researchers to preregister their study by first publishing their research idea, and study design to get feedback from peers before collecting and analysing their data. However, while these benefits could improve the rigor and reliability of DSR studies, there is no evidence of any research using RR, both from a conceptual perspective to understand RR in DSR, or using them to conduct DSR. To begin addressing this problem, this study provides such an understanding of RR from a DSR perspective, and identifies benefits to the discipline. The outcome is a method for creating RR for DSR projects which was built by implementing a RR for this very study where a problem is identified and a study design is outlined which can be viewed here: .....................................................................................................................................................This paper is a preprint of a paper accepted at HICSS 2020 (