The relationship between flow cytometry data and epifluorescence microscopy measurements was assessed in bacterioplankton samples from 80 lakes to estimate bacterial biovolume and cell size distribution. The total counts of 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole-stained cells estimated by both methods were significantly related, and the slope of their linear regression was not significantly different from 1, indicating that both methods produce very similar estimates of bacterial abundance. The relationships between side scatter (SSC) and 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole fluorescence and cell volume (microscopy values) were improved by binning of the data in three frequency classes for each, but further increases in the number of classes did not improve these relationships. Side scatter was the best cell volume predictor, and significant relationships were observed between the SSC classes and the smallest (R 2 ؍ 0.545, P < 0.001, n ؍ 80) and the largest (R 2 ؍ 0.544, P < 0.001, n ؍ 80) microscopy bacterial-size classes. Based on these relationships, a reliable bacterial biomass estimation was obtained from the SSC frequency classes. Our study indicates that flow cytometry can be used to properly estimate bacterioplankton biovolume, with an accuracy similar to those of more time-consuming microscopy methods.Planktonic bacteria are important members of aquatic ecosystems, and the calculation of their biovolume is relevant to our understanding of their roles within the microbial food web and in the cycling of organic matter and nutrients. Direct epifluorescence microscopy (EFM) counts of samples stained with nucleic acid fluorochromes such as acridine orange or 4Ј,6Ј-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) has for the last few decades been the standard method for determining bacterial abundance and biovolume in plankton samples (16,26,39). Based on these measurements, bacterial carbon biomass can be estimated by applying a general conversion factor (24, 28). However, despite improvements through the application of automated image analysis systems (29), microscopy counts are still time-consuming and require a considerable effort to obtain accurate measurements of bacterial cell volumes. In the early 1990s, flow cytometry (FC) was introduced as an alternative to EFM for estimating bacterial abundance in mixed natural assemblages (see references 13 and 30). FC has become a key tool in aquatic microbial ecology because it constitutes a rapid cell counting method and also makes it possible to process a high number of samples in a short time (33). Besides estimates of bacterial abundance, FC also provides information on single-cell parameters (e.g., light scatter values and specific channels of fluorescence) that can be useful for further discriminating distinct fractions of bacteria within mixed assemblages and thus for analyzing the heterogeneity of bacterial communities (3,11,38). The increase in commercially available fluorochromes, the use of molecular techniques, the application of cell sorting, and technological progress have i...