Goal.To analyze the current state of soils of Ukraine, to substantiate the measures of legislative, regulatory, scientific, and information support of balanced land use to overcome soil degradation using the international experience of soil protection and land use. Methods. Analysis, synthesis, theoretical generalization and comparison, abstract, monographic, expert. Results. The results of the study of ways to overcome soil degradation to ensure balanced land use, namely: a repeated continuous soil survey (or adjustment); soil cover monitoring taking into account European experience; improvement of the national system of agrochemical certification of agricultural lands; legislative and regulatory support of soil protection; improvement of information support due to the formation of soil databases with expanded assessment, cartographic and forecasting capabilities for the functioning of the Ukrainian Soil Information Center; development and adoption of the National Soil Protection Program and regional soil protection programs; creation of the State Service for Soil Protection and Monitoring; improvement of the quality assessment of soils and determination of the objective price of land; actualization of scientific research in soil protection, their material, and technical support; use of international experience in soil protection and land use. Conclusions. The country has every opportunity to create an exemplary system of soil resources management and implement to the best the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, which recognizes lands (soils) as national property under special state protection. This requires reformation of the system of state control over the condition of soils and regulation in the field of soil protection and their fertility, elaboration of the new state policy, as well as and development and adoption of a new strategy for the development of land protection in Ukraine until 2030.