Objective: To evaluate the stability of nonsurgical miniscrew-assisted rapid maxillary expansion (MARME) in young adults with a transverse maxillary deficiency. Materials and Methods: From a total of 69 adult patients who underwent MARME followed by orthodontic treatment with a straight-wire appliance, 20 patients (mean age, 20.9 6 2.9 years) with follow-up records (mean, 30.2 6 13.2 months) after debonding were selected. Posteroanterior cephalometric records and dental casts were obtained at the initial examination (T0), immediately after MARME removal (T1), immediately after debonding (T2), and at posttreatment follow-up (T3). Results: Suture separation was observed in 86.96% of subjects (60/69). An increase in the maxillary width (J-J; 1.92 mm) accounted for 43.34% of the total expansion with regard to the intermolar width (IMW) increase (4.43 mm; P , .001) at T2. The amounts of J-J and IMW posttreatment changes were 20.07 mm (P . .05) and 20.42 mm (P 5 .01), respectively, during retention. The postexpansion change in middle alveolus width increased with age (P , .05). The postexpansion change of interpremolar width (IPMW) was positively correlated with the amount of IPMW expansion (P , .05) but not with IMW. The changes of the clinical crown heights in the maxillary canines, first premolars, and first molars were not significant at each time point. Conclusions: Nonsurgical MARME can be a clinically acceptable and stable treatment modality for young adults with a transverse maxillary deficiency. (Angle Orthod. 2016;86:713-720.)