A new classification system for periodontal diseases was introduced at the global workshop held in 2018. The current study aims to utilize this new system to reclassify patients diagnosed with periodontal disease using the 1999 method of classification and compare periodontal treatment outcomes in terms of tooth loss. The study sample included 50 patients diagnosed with periodontitis (aggressive periodontitis n=15; chronic periodontitis n=35) who underwent active and supportive periodontal treatment for more than 5 years. Disease staging and grading was carried out using the 2018 system of classification, and incidence of tooth loss was recorded after a follow-up period of >5 years. The number of tooth loss was not significantly different between aggressive periodontitis and chronic periodontitis (p=0.973). However, the number of teeth lost increased with stage and grade of disease when using the new classification system. These findings suggest that, within the limitations of this study, the 2018 classification system predicts periodontal treatment outcomes, evaluated in terms of tooth loss, with greater sensitivity than the 1999 classification system.