Thi s study invest igates th e effects of ischem ic arrest on enzymat ic release (CPK, CPK•MB, LDH and SGOn in t he thea ter and dur ing th e postoper at ive hour s, and c or relat es these with ultrast rucw ral find ings. Th irty-five pat ie nts undergoing ro utine valve repl aceme nt surgery were d ivided int o 2 groups (G I, G il l and treated wit h 2 diffe re nt ty pe s of my oca rd ial prot ec tio n IMP) me thods : dee p hyp ot he rmia 25 :!: 3°C w ith topical cool ing, and deep hypo therm ia 24 t 1°c with cardioplegia (St. Thoma s'). The samples were tak en before, duri ng and after CPB and then every 2 hours fo r a furt her 4 6 hour s. Two myocardial biopsi es were take n before aort ic cross-clamping and 10 minut es afte r ao rtic cross-clamp release. Our resu lts show t hat not all th e serum enzymes are ca pab le of reflect ing the d iffere nces expec ted. Total CPK, LOH and SGOT for example , are very insensitive, while CPK-MB is more spec ific. However, co mparing the 2 groups, global significant diff erences could be o btai ned, p = 0 .05 for CPK and p < 0 .00 1 for CPK-MB. The enzymatic activity increased unt il the seco nd hou r postoper at ively in bo th groups and then a decli ne occurred. But , in Gil a seco nd phase of enzyme re lease I appeared at the 28t h hou r postoperatively. T his phenomenon can probably be related to card ioplegia. In co mparing the groups, the statistical analysis with St ude nt's T-test showed many significan tly diff erent levels from th e 32 00 un t il t he 46 th postoperat ive hou r. These levels of significa nce tended to increase wit h ti me (p = 0.025 to p < 0 .0011. On the other hand, the ultrastru ctura l investigations showe d good MP du ring ischemic arrest in all groups with o nly slight signs of ischemic injuries. The enzymat ic act ivity tended to increase and to maintain a high level in Gil wh ile it norm alized in GI. In concl usion, the enzy mat ic acti vity can be very closely related to the kinds of MP methods. The slight myocardial injuries observed in Gil can become irreversible, ex plaining t he prolonged and delayed en zyme release. However , t he possibility of late to xic effects of cardio plegia were not studied. In th is study, CPK-MB appea rs to be a bett er para meter fo r different iat ing th e groups tha n CPK, LOH and SGOT. KeyWord s: Cardio pulmona ry by pass-Myocard ial protection-Crea tine phosp hokinase-Lact ic dehyd rogenase-Serum glutamic oxalo-ecenc tra nsam inase