Employing the non-additive Tsallis entropy, S ∼ A β , for the large-scale gravitational systems, we disclose that in the cosmological scales both Friedmann equation and the equation of motion for the Newtonian cosmology get modified, accordingly. We then derive the modified Newton's law of gravitation which is valid on the large scales. We show that, in the relativistic regime, the modified Friedmann equation admits an accelerated expansion, for a universe filled with ordinary matter, without invoking any kind of dark energy, provided the non-extensive parameter is chosen β < 1/2. In the non-relativistic regime, however, the modified Newton's law of gravitation can explain the flat galactic rotation curves without invoking particle dark matter provided β 1/2. Our study may be regarded as an alternative explanation for the "dark side of the universe", through modification of the gravitational field equations.