Considerable theoretical and experimental efforts have been devoted to the quench dynamics, in particular, the dynamical quantum phase transition (DQPT) and the steady-state transition. These developments have motivated us to study the quench dynamics of the topological systems, from which we find the connection between these two transitions, that is, the DQPT, accompanied by a nonanalytic behavior as a function of time, always merges into a steady-state transition signaled by the nonanalyticity of observables in the steady limit. As the characteristic time of the DQPT diverges, it exhibits universal scaling behavior, which is related to the scaling behavior at the corresponding steady-state transition.Isolated quantum many-body systems can nowadays be realized in quantum-optical systems such as ultracold atoms or trapped ions which has opened up the perspective to experimentally study properties beyond the thermodynamic equilibrium paradigm. This includes the observation of genuine nonequilibrium phenonema such as many-body localization [1][2][3], quantum time crystals [4,5], or particle-antiparticle production in the Schwinger model [6]. It remains, however, a major challenge to identify universal properties in these diverse dynamical phenomena on general grounds. Considerable effects have been made to the formulation of various notions of nonequilibrium phase transitions [7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17] which are seen as promising attempts to extend elementary equilibrium concepts such as scaling and universality to the nonequilibrium regime. Among these notions there is the concept of a steady-state transition, which is signaled by a nonanalytic change of physical properties as a function of a parameter of the nonequilibrium protocol in the asymptotic long-time state of the system [8,11,12]. An example is the universal logarithmic divergence of the Hall conductance in the steady state of topological insulators after a quench [16,17]. Another important concept is that of dynamical quantum phase transitions (DQPTs) [15], recently observed experimentally [18,19], which occur on transient and intermediate time scales accompanied by a nonanalytic behavior as a function of time instead of a conventional order parameter. In the context of such developments, it is then a natural question to ask, whether and how these two notions of phase transitions are connected.The DQPT and the steady-state transition under the symmetry-breaking picture have been recently connected in the long-range-interacting Ising chain [20] by relating the singularities of Loschmidt echo to the zeros of local order parameters. In this work, we study the connection between the DQPT and the steady-state transition in a topological system where the local order parameters are absent. The connection is schematically displayed in Fig. 1. The characteristic time scale t * associated with DQPTs diverges when tuning the energy gap of the postquench Hamiltonian towards the steady-state transition at the gap-closing point. The steady-state trans...