By an affine algebraic variety, we mean in this note a locally ringed space (X, Rx) which is isomorphic to a ringed space of the form (V, Ry), where V is a Zariski closed subset in R n and Ry is the sheaf of rings of regular functions on V. Recall that £y 00 is the localization of the ring of polynomial functions on V with respect to the multiplicatively closed subset consisting of functions vanishing nowhere on V [2,15].Let F be one of the fields R, C or H (quaternions). A continuous F-vector bundle £ over X is said to admit an algebraic structure if there exists a finitely generated projective module P over the ring %x{X) (8>R F such that the Fvector bundle over X, associated with P in the standard way, is C° isomorphic toe Our purpose is to study the following PROBLEM. Characterize continuous F-vector bundles over X which admit an algebraic structure. This is an old problem, but despite considerable effort, the situation is well understood only in a few special cases: when X is the unit sphere S n [4,16], when X is the real projective space RF n [5,7] and when dimX < 3 and F = R [8, 9] (cf. also [13] for a short survey).Clearly, RF n with its natural structure of an abstract real algebraic variety is actually an affine variety and every affine real algebraic variety admits a locally closed embedding in some RP n .Let us first consider C-vector bundles. Let X be an affine nonsingular real algebraic variety and assume for a moment that X is embedded in RP n as a locally closed subvariety. Consider RP n as a subset of the complex projective space CP n . Let U be a Zariski neighborhood of X in the set of nonsingular points of the Zariski (complex) closure of X in CP n . Denote by H% [£ n (U,Z) the subgroup of the cohomology group H even (U, Z) generated by the cohomology classes which are Poincaré dual to the homology classes in the Borel-Moore homology group #even(CAZ) represented by the closed irreducible complex algebraic subvarieties of U (cf. [3]). Let #g^l g (X,Z) be the image of H%™{U,Z) via the restriction homomorphism # even (*7,Z) -• if even (X,Z). One easily checks that i^-aig (^ 21) does n°t depend on the choice of U or the choice of the embedding of X in RP n .