We propose a framework for unified visualization of advective and diffusive concentration fluxes, which play a key role in many phenomena like, e.g. Marangoni convection and microscopic mixing. The main idea is the decomposition of fluxes into their concentration and velocity parts. Using this flux decomposition, we are able to convey advective-diffusive concentration transport using integral lines. In order to visualize superimposed flux effects, we introduce a new graphical metaphor, the stream feather, which adds extensions to stream tubes pointing in the directions of deviating fluxes. The resulting unified visualization of macroscopic advection and microscopic diffusion allows for deeper insight into complex flow scenarios that cannot be achieved with current volume and surface rendering techniques alone. Our approach for flux decomposition and visualization of advective-diffusive flows can be applied to any kind of (simulation) data if velocity and concentration data are available. We demonstrate that our techniques can easily be integrated into Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) based simulations.