“…Then our groups F A N , T A N , V A N for the matrix A N are nothing but the Brown's triple F N,1 , T N,1 , V N,1 for r = 1, respectively. Let A N,r be the r × r block matrix whose entries are N × N matrices such that such that D A N,r = D A N ⊗ D r , where D r is the commutative C * -algebra of the diagonal elements of the r × r full matrix algebra M r (C), our groups F A N,r , T A N,r , V A N,r for the matrix A N,r are nothing but the Brown's triple F N,r , T N,r , V N,r (see [18], [19]). Since det(id−A N,r ) = 1−N , the classification of the Higman-Thompson groups V N,r corresponds to that of the C * -algebras O N ⊗ M r (C) through Theorem 1.1 (see [24,Corollary 6.6], [21]).…”