Due to its extremely rich phase diagram, the two-dimensional electron gas exposed to perpendicular magnetic field has been the subject of intense and sustained study. One particularly interesting problem in this system is that of the half-filled Landau level, where the Fermi sea of composite fermions, a fractional quantum Hall state arising from a pairing instability of the composite fermions, and the quantum Hall nematic were observed in the half-filled N = 0, N = 1, and N ≥ 2 Landau levels, respectively. Thus different ground states developed in different half-filled Landau levels. This situation has recently changed, when evidence for both the paired fractional quantum Hall state and the quantum Hall nematic was reported in the half-filled N = 1 Landau level. Furthermore, a direct quantum phase transition between these two ordered states was found. These results highlight an intimate connection between pairing and nematicity, a topic of current interest in several strongly correlated systems, in a well-understood and low disorder environment. arXiv:2003.09645v1 [cond-mat.str-el]