For a graph G, the M-polynomial is defined as M(G; x, y) = δ≤α≤β≤∆ m αβ (G)x α y β , where m αβ (α, β ≥ 1), is the number of edges ab of G such that deg G (a) = α and deg G (b) = β, and δ is the minimum degree and ∆ is the maximum degree of G. The physiochemical properties of chemical graphs are found by topological indices, in particular, the degree-based topological indices, which can be determined from an algebraic formula called M-polynomial. We compute the closest forms of M-polynomial for Mycielskian of paths and cycles. Further, we plot the 3-D graphical representation of M-polynomial. Finally, we derive some degree-based topological indices with the help of M-polynomial.