Abstract. We present a definition of intersection homology for real algebraic varieties that is analogous to Goresky and MacPherson's original definition of intersection homology for complex varieties.Let X be a real algebraic variety. For certain stratifications S of X we define homology groups IH S k (X) with Z/2 coefficients that generalize the standard intersection homology groups [3] if all strata have even codimension. Whether there is a good analog of intersection homology for real algebraic varieties was stated as a problem by Goresky and MacPherson [6] (Problem 7, p. 227). They observed that if such a theory exists then it cannot be purely topological; indeed our groups are not homeomorphism invariants.We consider a class of algebraic stratifications introduced in [16] that have a natural general position property for semialgebraic subsets. After presenting the definition and properties of these stratifications S, we define the real intersection homology groups IH S k (X) and show that they are independent of the stratification. We prove that if X is nonsingular and pure dimensional then IH k (X) = H k (X; Z/2), classical homology with Z/2 coefficients. More generally, we prove that if X is irreducible and X admits a small resolution π : X → X then IH k (X) is canonically isomorphic to H k ( X; Z/2). Thus any two small resolution of X have the same homology.If X is not compact, we have two versions of real intersection homology: IH c k (X) with compact supports and IH cl k (X) with closed supports. We define an intersection pairing IH c k (X) × IH cl n−k (X) → Z/2, where n = dim X. We prove that if X has isolated singularities this pairing is nonsingular, so IH c k (X) ∼ = IH cl n−k (X) for all k ≥ 0. But our intersection pairing is singular for some real algebraic varieties X, so our groups fail to have the key selfduality property suggested by Goresky and MacPherson. We will present a counterexample in a subsequent paper.We benefitted from conversations more than a decade ago with Joost van Hamel, whose approach to real intersection homology [8] was quite different from ours. We dedicate this paper to his memory.
Good algebraic stratificationsAn algebraic stratification of a real algebraic variety X is the stratification associated to a filtration of X by algebraic subvarietiessuch that for each j, Sing(X j ) ⊂ X j−1 , and either dim X j = j or X j = X j−1 . This filtration induces a decomposition X = S i , where the S i are the connected components of all the semialgebraic sets X j \ X j−1 . The sets S i , which are nonsingular semialgebraic subsets of X, 1