Amino acid sequence analysis has established that the homologous pairing protein of Ustilago maydis, known previously in the literature as recl, is encoded by REC2, a gene essential for recombinational repair and meiosis with regional homology to Escherichia coli RecA. The 70-kDa recl protein is most likely a proteolytic degradation product of REC2, which has a predicted mass of 84 kDa but which runs anomalously during sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis with an apparent mass of 110 kDa. To facilitate purification of the protein product, the REC2 gene was overexpressed from a vector that fused a hexahistidine leader sequence onto the amino terminus, enabling isolation of the REC2 protein on an immobilized metal alfinity column. The purified protein exhibits ATP-dependent DNA renaturation and DNA-dependent ATPase activities, which were reactions characteristic of the protein as purified from cell extracts of U. maydis. Homologous pairing activity was established in an assay that measures recognition via non-Watson-Crick bonds between identical DNA strands. A size threshold of about 50 bp was found to govern pairing between linear duplex molecules and homologous single-stranded circles. Joint molecule formation with duplex DNA well under the size threshold was efficiently catalyzed when one strand of the duplex was composed of RNA. Linear duplex molecules with hairpin caps also formed joint molecules when as few as three RNA residues were present.Genetic recombination can be envisioned as a pathway that proceeds stepwise through a search for sequence homology, DNA pairing, heteroduplex formation, and exchange of strands. Elucidation of the process has come in part from detailed analysis of Escherichia coli RecA protein. Studies on the biochemical mechanism have revealed the protein to catalyze homologous pairing of DNA molecules in a reaction that transduces the energy of nucleotide cofactor binding to changing conformational states of the protein and to promote strand exchange by coupling nucleotide hydrolysis to unidirectional processing of the crossed-strand recombination intermediate (22,24,25,28,38). The RecA protein has become the paradigm for thinking about the mechanism of DNA pairing in general homologous recombination. The ubiquity of RecA in bacteria has reinforced the hope that lessons learned from studies of this prototype system may be extended beyond the realm of prokaryotes.Evidence supporting the notion that eukaryotes might conduct recombination through a RecA-like DNA pairing mechanism has come from two approaches. Genetic studies led to the discovery, first made in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (1,2,5,14,30) and later in other eukaryotes, of proteins homologous to RecA (for a review, see reference 11). On the other hand, biochemical studies with Ustilago maydis revealed the presence of an activity that could promote a number of DNA pairing reactions, some of which resembled reactions catalyzed by RecA protein (15). These included ATP-stimulated reassociation of complementary single strands, u...