The aim of this short paper is to show that the homotopy limit of any diagram of nilpotent structured ring spectra is TQ-local, where structured ring spectra are described as algebras over a spectral operad O; in particular, every homotopy pro-nilpotent structured ring spectrum is TQ-local. Here, TQ is short for topological Quillen homology, which is weakly equivalent to O-algebra stabilization. As an application, we simultaneously extend the previously known connected and nilpotent TQ-Whitehead theorems to a homotopy pro-nilpotent TQ-Whitehead theorem. We also compare TQ-localization with TQ-completion and show that TQ-local O-algebras that are TQ-good are TQcomplete. Finally, we show that every (−1)-connected O-algebra with a principally refined Postnikov tower is TQ-local, provided that O is (−1)-connected.