Abstract. It is shown that for any locally knotted edge of a 3-connected graph in S 3 , there is a ball that contains all of the local knots of that edge which is unique up to an isotopy setwise fixing the graph. This result is applied to the study of topological symmetry groups of graphs embedded in S 3 .Schubert's 1949 result [9] that every non-trivial knot can be uniquely factored into prime knots is a fundamental result in knot theory. Hashizume [6], extended Schubert's result to links in 1958. Then in 1987, Suzuki [12] generalized Schubert's result to spatial graphs by proving that every connected graph embedded in S 3 can be split along spheres meeting the graph in 1 or 2 points to obtain a unique collection of prime embedded graphs together with some trivial graphs.Although the set of prime factors of a knot or embedded graph is unique up to equivalence, the set of splitting spheres is generally not unique up to an isotopy setwise fixing the knot or graph. For example, consider the embedding of the complete graph K 6 which is illustrated on both the left and right sides of Figure 1. The edge e = 14 contains two trefoil knots. The spheres T 1 and T 2 (illustrated on the left) are splitting spheres for these two knots. However, one of the balls bounded by F (illustrated on the right) meets e in an arc whose union with an arc in F is a single trefoil knot. Thus F is also a splitting sphere for one of the two local knots in e. However, F is not isotopic (fixing the embedded graph setwise) to either of the spheres T 1 or T 2 .By contrast, in this paper we show that for any locally knotted edge of an embedded 3-connected graph, there is a ball meeting the graph in an arc containing all of the local knots of that edge which is unique up to an isotopy fixing the graph. We call such a ball an unknotting ball for that edge. Our main theorem is the following.