We propose a spectral mean for closed curves described by sample points on its boundary subject to mis-alignment and noise. First, we ignore mis-alignment and derive maximum likelihood estimators of the model and noise parameters in the Fourier domain. We estimate the unknown curve by back-transformation and derive the distribution of the integrated squared error. Then, we model mis-alignment by means of a shifted parametric diffeomorphism and minimise a suitable objective function simultaneously over the unknown curve and the mis-alignment parameters. Finally, the method is illustrated on simulated data as well as on photographs of Lake Tana taken by astronauts during a Shuttle mission.In memory of J. Harrison.Throughout this paper we model the boundary of the random object of interest by a smooth (simple) closed curve.Consider the class of functions Γ : I → R 2 from some interval I to the plane. Define an equivalence relation ∼ on the function class as follows. Two functions Γ and Γ ′ are equivalent, Γ ∼ Γ ′ , if there exists a strictly increasing function ϕ from I onto another interval I ′ such that Γ = Γ ′ • ϕ. Note that ϕ is a homeomorphism. The relation defines a family of equivalence classes, each of which is called a curve. Its member functions are called parametrisations.Since the images of two parametrisations of the same curve are identical, we shall, with slight abuse of notation, use the symbol Γ for a specific parametrisation, for a curve and for its image.A curve is said to be continuous if it has a continuous parametrisation, in which case all parametrisations are continuous; it is simple if it has a parametrisation that is injective. A Jordan curve has the additional property of being closed, in other words, it is the image of a continuous function Γ from [p, q] to R 2 that is injective on [p, q) and for which Γ(p) = Γ(q). By the Jordan-Schőnflies theorem, the complement of any Jordan curve in the plane consists of exactly two connected components: a bounded one and an unbounded one separated by Γ. The bounded component is called the interior of Γ and can be thought of as the object. Since closed curves have neither a 'beginning' nor an 'end', a rooted parametrisation is provided by a point on the curve together with a cyclic parametrisation from that point in a given direction (say with the interior to the left). For convenience, we shall often rescale the definition interval to [−π, π],In the statistical inference to be discussed in the next section, we need derivatives. In this context, it is natural to assume a curve to be parametrised by some function Γ that is C 1 and the same degree of smoothness to hold for the functions ϕ that define the equivalence relation between parametrisations. In effect, ϕ should be a diffeomorphism. See [17, Chapter 1] for further details.
Fourier representationLet Γ = (Γ 1 , Γ 2 ) : [−π, π] → R 2 be a C 1 function with Γ i (−π) = Γ i (π), i = 1, 2. Recall that the family of functions {cos(jx), sin(jx) : j ∈ N 0 } forms an orthogonal basis for L 2 ([−π, π]),