This survey is an introduction to some of the methods, techniques and concepts from algebraic topology and related areas (homotopy theory, shape theory) which can be fruitfully applied to study problems concerning continuous dynamical systems. To this end two instances which exemplify the interaction between topology and dynamics are considered, namely, Conley's index theory and the study of some properties of certain attractors.
Sistemas dinámicos y formasResumen. Este artículo panorámico constituye una introducción a algunos de los métodos, técnicas y conceptos que, desde la topología algebraica y otrasáreas afines (teoría de homotopía, teoría de la forma), permiten abordar problemas que se plantean en el marco de los sistemas dinámicos continuos. Para ello se presentan dos situaciones que ejemplifican esta interacción entre topología y dinámica, como son la construcción delíndice de Conley y el estudio de algunas propiedades de ciertos atractores. Generally speaking, the task of applied sciences is to observe natural phenomena and try to elaborate a theory which explains them. Such a theory is frequently formalized (at least in quantitative sciences) in a mathematical language and can be used to produce simple models of the phenomena, usually in the form of a dynamical system 1 . Then a mathematical analysis of the latter can be performed and may provide explanations for the basic features of the observed behaviour.The study of dynamical systems involves many areas of mathematics, most notably analysis and topology. More specifically, algebraic topology entered the picture through the pioneering work of Poincaré, later continued by Morse, Smale and Conley, which showed that there exists a strong interaction between a dynamical system and the shape (in an informal, intuitive sense) of the phase space it lives in.Their methods can be considered landmarks in the study of dynamical systems through their phase portraits, which are objects of a geometrical nature. This approach gave rise to a whole new branch where tools like homotopy theory, homology and cohomology theories, and later on shape theory, played a prominent role in the investigation of dynamical systems.The aim of this survey is to present a (necessarily partial and strongly biased) illustration of two specific instances which exemplify how the tools mentioned above are brought into the picture of dynamical systems. We construct Conley's index in its shape theoretical version, present the subsequent Morse equations (this is Section 2) and explore some results about attractors (Section 3). The exposition is very unbalanced in the sense that a great space is taken up by Section 2, but this is just a natural consequence of the fact that Presentado por José María Montesinos. Recibido: 26 de junio de 2007. Aceptado: 5 de diciembre de condenses nearly one hundred years of beautiful and deeply influential mathematics and provides enough background for an interested reader to explore more advanced topics. Unfortunately we will not be able even to menti...