Recommended with a Commentary by Liang Fu, MIT A hallmark of topological phases of matter is the presence of conducting boundary modes with unusual properties. Known examples include chiral edge states of quantum Hall states and unpaired Dirac surface states in topological insulators. Now, the highlighted paper reports the discovery of new one-dimensional topological boundary modes in a multi-valley quantum Hall system, where electron interaction and symmetry breaking play crucial roles and lead to unprecedented many-body topological phenomena. The authors uses high-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) to study the (111) surface states of bismuth. On this surface there are six hole pockets in the surface Brillouin zone, related to one another by rotation or time-reversal symmetry (see Fig.1). Therefore, in the presence of a magnetic field, single-particle Landau levels of hole states have six-fold valley degeneracy. Thanks to the exceptional cleanness of bismuth crystal, STM spectroscopy maps shows little spatial variation of Landau level energy over several hundreds of nanometers. This makes bismuth (111) surface a fruitful platform for studying multicomponent quantum Hall physics with STM. With a magnetic field between 13T and 14T, a set of N = 3 Landau levels from six valleys are within a few meV from the Fermi level. Two types of Landau level splittings are found in STM tunneling spectra, with different magnitudes and origins. First, regardless of the filling, there is an energy splitting of about 1meV between twofold and four-fold degenerate multiplets. This splitting is likely induced by uniaxial strain which lowers the single-particle energy of a pair of valleys. Moreover, when the four-fold degenerate multiplet is tuned to the Fermi level by varying the magnetic field, it further splits into two sets of Landau levels separated by about 0.65meV. Concomitant with this additional Landau level splitting is suppressed tunneling conductance at the Fermi level. These findings strongly suggest that when these four-fold degenerate Landau levels are partially occupied, electron interaction induces an exchange gap and causes the splitting. Early theory [3] predicted that due to the anisotropic energy dispersion of each valley, Coulomb interaction favors a valley-polarized state at integer filling, where a subset of valleys are fully occupied. Such state spontaneously breaks the point group symmetry. Previous works of the same group [1, 2] indeed observed valley ordering from spatially resolved STM