A defining property of particles is their behavior under exchange. In two dimensions anyons can exist which, opposed to fermions and bosons, gain arbitrary relative phase factors [1] or even undergo a change of their type. In the latter case one speaks of non-Abelian anyons -a particularly simple and aesthetic example of which are Fibonacci anyons [2]. They have been studied in the context of fractional quantum Hall physics where they occur as quasiparticles in the k = 3 Read-Rezayi state [3], which is conjectured to describe a fractional quantum Hall state at filling fraction ν = 12/5 [4]. Here we show that the physics of interacting Fibonacci anyons [5] can be studied with strongly interacting Rydberg atoms in a lattice, when due to the dipole blockade [6] the simultaneous laser excitation of adjacent atoms is forbidden. The Hilbert space maps then directly on the fusion space of Fibonacci anyons and a proper tuning of the laser parameters renders the system into an interacting topological liquid of non-Abelian anyons. We discuss the low-energy properties of this system and show how to experimentally measure anyonic observables.There is great interest in studying many-body systems of interacting anyons as they often exhibit exotic quantum phases [5,[7][8][9]. A further motivation is that the exchange of anyons -the braiding -permits the implementation of robust protocols for quantum information processing [10][11][12]. Physically, anyons emerge as quasi particles on the ground state of an interacting manybody system and recently there has been put much effort in implementing and exploring anyonic models with cold atoms [13][14][15], polar molecules [16] and trapped ions [17]. A model which has been much studied -in particular in the context of quantum information processing -is Kitaev's toric code [18]. Excitations on the ground state are Abelian anyons, which merely acquire a phase when braided. A more complex and exotic scenario is encountered in the non-Abelian case, i.e. when anyons can undergo an actual change of their type under braiding.A particularly simple example of non-Abelian anyons are Fibonacci anyons which occur in two types: A trivial particle referred to as 1 and a non-trivial particle denoted by τ . A convenient way to define an anyonic system is through fusion rules for the particle types (see e.g. Refs.[2, 12]), which for Fibonacci anyons readThe first three rules are a consequence of the trivial nature of a 1-anyon. The fourth rule states that two anyons of type τ can fuse such that the result is either the trivial particle or a τ -anyon. This can be thought of as being analogous to the merging of two spin 1/2 particles ( 1 2 ⊗ 1 2 = 0 ⊕ 1), which can yield either a singlet (total spin 0) or a triplet (total spin 1).For a set of N anyons of type τ it can be shown that a basis of the underlying Hilbert space is spanned by all possible fusion paths [2], i.e. the number of ways in which these anyons can be successively fused. For large N , this number grows as ϕ N with ϕ = (1 + √ 5)/2 being t...