Given an edge-independent random graph G(n, p), we determine various facts about the cohomology of graph products of groups for the graph G(n, p). In particular, the random graph product of a sequence of finite groups is a rational duality group with probability tending to 1 as n → ∞. This includes random right-angled Coxeter groups as a special case. . convention, the empty set is considered a simplex in any simplicial complex. Given σ ∈ X, its link, denoted by Lk(σ, X) (or sometimes simply Lk(σ)), is the simplicial complex whose poset of nonempty simplices is isomorphic to X >σ (:= {τ ∈ X | τ > σ}).Let P(I) denote the power set of a finite set I. Given an I-tuple t = (t i ) i∈I of indeterminates and J ∈ P(I), define a monomial t J by t J = j∈J t j .(2.1)The f -polynomial of X is the polynomial in t = (t i ) i∈ [n] defined by f X (t) := σ∈X t σ .