We present a detailed direct numerical simulation (DNS) designed to investigate the combined effects of walls and Ekman friction on turbulence in forced soap films. We concentrate on the forward-cascade regime and show how to extract the isotropic parts of velocity and vorticity structure functions and thence the ratios of multiscaling exponents. We find that velocity structure functions display simple scaling whereas their vorticity counterparts show multiscaling; and the probability distribution function of the Weiss parameter Λ, which distinguishes between regions with centers and saddles, is in quantitative agreement with experiments.The pioneering work of Kraichnan [1] showed that fluid turbulence in two dimensions (2D) is qualitatively different from that in three dimensions (3D): in the former we have an infinity of extra conserved quantities, in the inviscid, unforced case; the first of these is the enstrophy. It turns out, therefore, that 2D turbulence displays an inverse cascade of energy, from the length scale at which the force acts to larger length scales, and a forward cascade of enstrophy, from the forcing length scale to smaller ones; by contrast, 3D turbulence is characterised by a forward cascade of energy [2]. Kraichnan's predictions were first confirmed in atmospheric experiments in quasi-twodimensional, stratified flows [3]; subsequent experiments have studied systems ranging from large-scale geophysical flows to soap films [3,4,5,6,7,8]. The latter have proved to be especially useful in characterizing 2D turbulence.