Abstract. There is a known analogy between growth questions for class groups and for Selmer groups. If p is a prime, then the p-torsion of the ideal class group grows unboundedly in Z{pZ-extensions of a fixed number field K, so one expects the same for the p-Selmer group of a nonzero abelian variety over K. This Selmer group analogue is known in special cases and we prove it in general, along with a version for arbitrary global fields.1. Introduction 1.1. Growth of class groups and of Selmer groups. It is a classical theorem of Gauss that the 2-torsion subgroup PicpO L qr2s of the ideal class group of a quadratic number field L can be arbitrarily large. Although unboundedness of # PicpO L qrps for an odd prime p is a seemingly inaccessible conjecture, [BCH`66, VII-12, Thm. 4] explains how to extend Gauss' methods to prove that # PicpO L qrps is unbounded if L{Q ranges over the Z{pZ-extensions instead.As explained in [Čes15a], growth questions for ideal class groups and for Selmer groups of abelian varieties are often analogous. It is therefore natural to hope that for a prime p and a nonzero abelian variety A over Q, the p-Selmer group Sel p A L can be arbitrarily large when L{Q ranges over the Z{pZ-extensions. Our main result confirms this expectation. Theorem 1.2 (Theorem 5.6). Let p be a prime, K a global field, and A a nonzero abelian variety overis unbounded when L ranges over the Z{pZ-extensions of K.
Remarks.1.3. In the excluded case when ArpspKq " 0 and A is not supersingular (when also char K " p and dim A ą 2), there nevertheless is an n P Z ą0 that depends on A such thatis unbounded when L ranges over the Z{p n Z-extensions of K, see Theorem See Corollary 5.5 for a version of Theorem 1.2 for Selmer groups of arbitrary isogenies.1.5. The proof of Theorem 1.2 also reproves the unbounded growth of the p-torsion subgroup of the ideal class group in Z{pZ-extensions of K, see Corollary 5.3.