ABSTRACT. The present knowledge of the dynamics and structure of the solar convection zone is reviewed with the aim of checking current assumptions and conjectures against laboratory experiments and numerical modeling of thermal convection. Buoyancy is the only forcing considered. Rotation and magnetic fields are explicitly avoided. Nor are departures from planar geometry considered , except as regards large scale structures. Local theories are reviewed in section §2, hydrodynamic models in §3, non-local theories in §4, the global structure of the convection zone is discussed in §5 and the flow patterns in §6.
I n t r o d u c t i o nT h e solar convection zone is the site of very rich dynamics, t h e intricacies of which make it difficult to look through it into the deeper interior. Therefore, solar convection theory has often been approached with t h e avowed aim of obtaining a recipe for computing gradients and fluxes in places where a radiative gradient would be unstable. We shall take this view in the first p a r t of the present review. Yet t h e solar convection zone is still t h e site of a highly structured magnetohydrodynamic flow, where buoyancy is thought to be one of the dominant external forcings. This view will be taken later on and buoyancy induced solar structures will also be reviewed.T h e purpose of the present paper is to examine the solar convection zone as a whole, with laboratory a n d numerical experiments in m i n d . We shall a t t e m p t to stress similarities as much as possible and, as a consequence, we shall avoid discussing any process dominated by forcings other t h a n buoyancy. Rotation and magnetic fields will not be considered at all, a n d t h e geometry will be assumed to be planar unless stated otherwise. However, as most of the laboratory experiments and numerical simulations in t h e r m a l convection are extremely dependent on details irrelevant to a stellar interior -the shape of the container, the boundary conditions, etc.-any extrapolation of numerical results or laboratory measurements is to be looked at carefully.
O n local t h e o r i e s o f stellar c o n v e c t i o n .Local theories are widely used for modeling t h e r m a l convection in stars, as they are the simplest available algorithms, though some a t t e m p t s at modeling stellar convection zones with non-local theories exist a n d will b e reviewed in §3 and §4. Mixing-length scaling is widely accepted and consistency with it is required for any model, no m a t t e r whether it is local or non-local. However, local models can be derived without any reference to phenomenology. We shall take this view because 101 G. Berthomieu and M. Cribier (eds.), Inside the Sun, 101-115.